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Some ideas to help you and your kids while you’re cooped up indoors
School closures, social distancing, and adjusted work arrangements are changing everyday life for families. Staying indoors can be extra challenging during rainy spring days. Looking for a break from watching movies and television? Here are some different ideas to help kids (and their parents!) look on the bright side while they’re cooped up indoors.
Break out the board games. Now’s the perfect time to dust off some old favorites.
Work on a jigsaw puzzle. Jigsaw puzzles can be a fun way to keep everyone’s mind engaged. Set one up on an extra table and take turns piecing it together, or work on different sections at the same time.
Build an indoor fort. If an extra table isn’t being used for a game or puzzle, consider using it to help build a fort complete with blankets, pillows and flashlights. It could become a playhouse or a quiet space to read.
Bake and decorate. Baking together can be fun and creative, especially if you make cookies or cupcakes that can be frosted and decorated.
Learn a dance routine. Kids might already be aware of modern dance moves with apps like TikTok, so they may be willing to learn some classics like the Macarena or the Electric Slide. Dancing can help you laugh and exercise as a family and work off the decorated baked goods.
String holiday lights. Add some cheer to your home with lights you may have on hand. It can be a nice backdrop for dancing, too!
Try a new or silly hairstyle. Have some hot rollers? Curious if you can achieve a beehive ‘do? Staying in is a good opportunity to experiment with a “home hair salon.”
Bring the outdoors in through art. Have the kids create drawings or other crafts of things like the sun, rainbows, birds, flowers, and more. Then, hang them around your home! Consider making some to mail to friends and family members, such as grandparents who would love a boost of happiness!
Make a fun family memories BINGO or charades game. Have some funny family memories that you could use to create your own games? You may even be able to print your own BINGO cards and call sheet to save for holidays and future family gatherings.
Get organized. This may or may not be a “fun” idea, but it’s something that can make you feel better when you’re stuck inside. Make labels, rearrange shelves, etc. Being at home may make you realize you want more space and have items you no longer need that can be sold or donated.
Go for a drive in your PJs. If you need a break from home and are able to hop in the car to see some new sights, make it fun by wearing PJs. Consider picking up a take-out order. You'll be helping to support your local restaurants and treating your family to a special dinner after a fun-filled day of indoor activities!