DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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Schedule an appointment and/or check wait times at DCU Branches. Our Information Center Specialists can answer questions about your accounts and help you with service requests. Our Information Center can be reached at 800.328.8797.
Use your DCU Debit Card FREE at any DCU ATM 24 hours a day. Your DCU Debit Card is accepted at any terminal displaying the Visa logo and gives you access to over 80,000 surcharge free non-DCU ATMs nationwide displaying Allpoint, SUM or CO-OP logos. Other institutions may charge you for using their ATM’s. These are called surcharges. With Plus or Relationship Benefits level, DCU will reimburse you up to $10 per month in non-DCU ATM surcharges for Plus Benefits or up to $25 per month in non-DCU ATM surcharges for Relationship Benefits.
Following are the days that our Branches, Information Center and DCU’s Operations will be closed or closing early. During these times, 24-hour service by Digital Banking, ATM, and Easy Touch Telephone Teller System by calling 800.328.8797 will be available.
Presidents Day | Monday, February 17 | Closed in Observance |
Memorial Day | Monday, May 26 | Closed in Observance |
Juneteenth | Thursday, June 19 | Closed in Observance |
Independence Day | Friday, July 4 | Closed in Observance |
Labor Day | Monday, September 1 | Closed in Observance |
Indigenous Peoples' Day | Monday, October 13 | Closed in Observance |
Veterans Day | Tuesday, November 11 | Closed in Observance |
Thanksgiving | Thursday, November 27 | Closed in Observance |
Day After Thanksgiving | Friday, November 28 | Closed in Observance |
Christmas Day | Thursday, December 25 | Closed in Observance |