DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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No minimum balance and no monthly maintenance fees.
If your checking account is at a big bank, chances are you're paying needless fees or getting little in return for the huge minimum balance you're required to maintain. But, with a Free Checking account from DCU, things are more than a little different.
1. Eligibility by Family Relationship to a Current DCU Member
Relatives of DCU members are eligible to join if they are spouses, domestic partners, children grandchildren, parents, grandparents or siblings (including adoptive in-law, and step relationships).
2. Eligibility by Company You Work for or Retired From
3. Eligibility by Organization You Belong To
4. Eligibility by Community
You are automatically eligible to join DCU if you live, work, worship, or attend school in one of the communities in our list. Any business or other legal entity located in one of these areas is also automatically eligible to join.
Nobody likes to wait until payday and at DCU you may not have to. Simply set up recurring direct deposit of your paycheck, Social Security or pension and you could see your money in your account up to two days early1.
We don't charge you for accessing your cash - in fact, we'll even help you out when others do charge you. We’ll reimburse you up to $300 per year in ATM fees charged by other institutions. All you need to do is add direct deposit of recurring income of at least $500 per calendar month and make at least 5 qualifying transactions per month.1
When you use a DCU Free Checking account, we don’t just help you save money on your everyday banking. Add direct deposit and make your loan payments electronically and you'll receive a 0.50% discount on most consumer loans.2
Start managing your money like a pro. Make transfers, pay bills, manager your accounts, and more.
From the DCU Mobile Banking app to voice banking options. Learn how to access your accounts on the go.
Save time with contactless payments and better protect yourself against fraud and identity theft. Add your DCU cards today.
Use it at the store, the ATM, and to pay bills. Also available to use with Apple Pay®, Google Pay™, and Samsung Pay.*
*Apple and Apple Pay are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Google and Google Pay are trademarks of Google Inc. Samsung, and Samsung Pay are registered trademarks of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
While every member has access to most of our great benefits, the more a member does with DCU, the more those benefits multiply. Check out the information below for a detailed description of benefits by level.
Every member enjoys these benefits automatically:
Enjoy all the Basic Member Benefits plus:
How to Qualify: Add and maintain direct deposit of at least $500 per calendar month (qualifying direct deposit is a recurring electronic credit of your payroll, retirement, Social Security, or other monthly income) to your checking account, excluding HSA Checking Accounts. Social Security is exempt from the $500 per calendar month minimum. If at any time you fail to maintain these qualifications, your benefit level will be automatically adjusted without notice and you will no longer be eligible to receive the associated benefits.
Enjoy all the Plus Member Benefits and:
How to Qualify: Add and maintain direct deposit of at least $500 per calendar month (qualifying direct deposit is a recurring electronic credit of your payroll, retirement, Social Security, or other monthly income) to your checking account, excluding HSA Checking Account AND make at least 5 transactions per month (qualifying transaction types include debit and/or credit card transactions, ACH transfers, Point of Sale (POS) transactions, bill pay payments, balance transfers to your DCU Visa Credit Card, and Pay a Person transactions that post and clear your account within the same calendar month). Social Security is exempt from the $500 per calendar month minimum. If at any time you fail to maintain these qualifications, your benefit level will be automatically adjusted without notice and you will no longer be eligible to receive the associated benefits.
On Balances Up to and including $1,000.
Rate is subject to change after consummation.
Rate is subject to change after consummation.