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If you're looking for additional income, here are some ideas that are outside the box!
Need some extra money but not sure where to start? There’s momentum in the gig economy with freelance work and on-demand jobs, as well as a rapid shift to working from home. You can make the most of the current situation by being resourceful and using your skills to your advantage.
Getting a second job or side gig can help you replace lost income, build up your financial security, or boost your earning power. Here are some ideas to help you think outside the box:
Delivery driver. If you have a reliable car and like driving, you could get hired to deliver takeout food, groceries, packages, and more. With on-demand jobs through companies like DoorDash, Instacart, and Amazon Flex, you choose your own schedule and pick up work through an online system or app.
Freelancer. Put your skills to work as a photographer, designer, writer, programmer, translator, digital assistant, and more by picking up freelance work online. Get started on websites like Freelancer or Upwork, or build your business through your own website.
Online instructor. Make money by producing how-to videos or online courses on fitness, nutrition, technology, and other subjects. Check out Teachable, a platform for creating and selling online courses.
Online tutor. Earn money by tutoring school-age or college students in math, science, foreign languages, test prep, or other subjects. You don’t need to be a licensed teacher or have an advanced degree to tutor students, but it helps to have a bachelor’s degree or some experience. You might use Skype or Zoom for online tutoring sessions, or work via a site like Tutor.com.
Personal assistant. Get hired to run errands or help around the house. This might be a good fit if you’re a handyman who can fix things or you have a knack for cleaning, organizing, or assembling furniture. Connect with clients through your neighborhood website or local listings, or use the TaskRabbit app to post your services and pick up jobs.
Babysitter or caregiver. Babysitting or working as a nanny allows you to choose your hours and accept the jobs that work for you. Elder care is another fast-growing field as older adults need caregivers to help them at home. Get hired through word-of-mouth or connect with clients through websites like Care.com.
Market research. Get paid for participating in a study or focus group and sharing your response to products, services, or advertisements. Search online for focus groups or research studies in your area.
Online selling. Clean out your closets and look for clothes, household goods, and collectibles to sell on eBay or Craigslist. If you have a bunch of unused gift cards, sell or trade them on gift card exchange sites.
Rent out extra space. Rent a spare room, storage space, garage, or parking spot on Airbnb or Craigslist.
Getting your plans off the ground isn’t always easy. Unfortunately, there are lots of work-from-home scams out there. You can protect yourself by vetting the legitimacy of the organizations and websites before engaging with them. Also use your best judgment with social distancing practices and determine what is appropriate for you.
You might have a few setbacks along the way, but if you can make it work, the extra income can help you build a more financially secure future. Learn more about ways to continue saving money when your income is stretched.