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Read What Members Are Saying About DCU.
"I have both business and personal accounts with DCU. I recently refinanced my mortgage at DCU. My wife and I were very pleased with the refinancing process. It was very easy to navigate DCU's web pages and search the various mortgage products. All of my questions were answered by a DCU Mortgage Processor and she was instrumental in directing and advising us to our ultimate mortgage. At our closing, the attorney made us feel at ease and explained all the documents in detail."
John D. - DCU Member
"My first experience with the credit union member philosophy came when I was building a home. A bank had given us a construction loan, but would not help out in converting it into a regular mortgage. Jane and I went right to the deadline, it was a very stressful time. We now have our mortgage at DCU, and the service has been excellent."
John C. - DCU Member
"We moved accounts at three banks to DCU. We love using one institution with no fees. It's great to have easy access at the branch and online. Recently we added a new addition to our home and used our DCU Equity LinePLUS to help finance it.
Even our children Kyle and Lindsay are both DCU members and belong to the Barnyard Cents Kids' Club."
Dan and Andrea M. - DCU Member
"My family and I wanted to take advantage of the dropping mortgage rates, but were uncertain if we would be offered the best rates. In the recent past, my wife had been in a major car accident followed by a lay-off upon her return to work. Subsequently, we incurred a couple of small ticks on our credit report. Being members in good standing, we turned to DCU. After providing a letter of explanation, DCU gladly offered us a mortgage and equity line. Time and again DCU has provided us with excellent service. Thanks DCU!"
Christopher A. - DCU Member
"DCU just makes it so easy. You can go into a branch and come out ten minutes later with a loan. The rates at DCU can't be beat and I especially love the convenience of the auto loan check. It just makes shopping for a car easier. You know that your financing is all arranged before you shop, and I really feel it gave me an upper-hand in negotiating with the dealers."
Kerry L. - DCU Member
"I was able to lower my monthly payments when I recently refinanced my auto loan. I can't say enough about DCU. The customer service great. I didn't even have to go to a branch. I was able to complete everything over the phone and by fax. It was very convenient."
Elizabeth O. - DCU Member
"Just refinanced my DCU car loan without any hassle."
Sheila Upson - DCU Member
"This has been a very customer friendly credit union. I took my first car loan without even visiting the credit union. The service has been very good."
Dharmarajan V. - DCU Member
"I financed the purchase of my last vehicle with DCU and found it to be a very positive experience."
Clayton R. - DCU Member
"I have had two auto loans with DCU for the past 16 years. They were easy to apply for and no problems or hassles. I would never finance with a dealer."
Marilyn F. - DCU Member
"When the conglomerate owners of the 1771 Publick House in Sturbridge, MA decided to drop the Inn and Restaurant from their real estate portfolio I saw the opportunity to acquire a New England tradition. I quickly decided to make a serious bid. The biggest stumbling block was a quick turnaround in financing. DCU really stepped up to the plate. Their response time was outstanding and their personal service was superior.
Timing was critical, and DCU empowered their people to make decisions. A regular bank would be weighted down in just the paperwork. I know because that's happened to me before. With DCU's diligence, perseverance, and can do attitude we were able to close within 60 days from our request for financing. The Publick House and its surrounding properties on 54 acres are now after over 20 years back in family hands. I'm in the business of providing exceptional service, accommodations and food to people. DCU provided me with the type of performance I want my people to deliver. - Thank you!"
Michael Harrington, Publick House, Sturbridge, MA - DCU Member
"When commercial loans became available I was very happy. As one of DCU's first Commercial Loan clients, I refinanced and completed renovations of Rosewood at Rye, a 25,000 square foot mall and 27 unit motel in Rye, NH. The mall is made up of 20 units that are rented to businesses including a salon, a fitness center, a gallery, and a restaurant.
Dealing with DCU for refinancing was much easier than when doing business with banks. I felt like they wanted my business, unlike banks. DCU treats me more like a business partner than just a customer. I also have my personal accounts and mortgage with DCU. I really like that DCU doesn't charge fees like banks do, and it's great that all my accounts are integrated and online."
Pat Larson, Owner of Rosewood Plaza - DCU Member
Three Generations of DCU Membership "In this family, everyone is a DCU member. Our family uses many of DCU's products and services to meet our financial needs. From checking and savings accounts, to car loans and mortgages, this family always has great experiences with DCU. DCU makes it too easy to do business. I can walk into the branch and in five minutes have a loan. The service is great and we can be connected to my families other members' accounts."
Paul, Alphonse, and Jim L. - DCU Members
"I do everything over the phone and like the reimbursement of ATM fees. I also like the professional atmosphere at DCU branches. From Checking, Home Equity, Holiday Club, Savings Accounts and Mortgage, my husband and family use DCU for all our financial needs."
Lisa D. - DCU Member
"DCU is truly consumer-oriented. I appreciate all its great services and choices. DCU is a place for everyone, no minimum balance to get the great benefits. Many places have incentives and benefits, but you have to have a high balance to get them. From checking to mortgages, I use DCU for my financial needs. I was pre-approved for a car loan and was very impressed with DCU's auto loan rates and auto loan check. As a professional realtor I know how important great service is, and that's what I get at DCU."
Ellie K. - DCU Member
Annette Cameron and her family use many DCU products and services to meet their financial needs including a home equity loan, auto loans, Visa, checking, Online Banking and Easy Touch Telephone Teller. As Annette comments: "I am always recommending for people to join DCU. I am very happy with the service and convenience. I can just pick up the phone to transfer money to my two children's accounts. This is especially convenient with my son, Nick being away at college. DCU makes life a lot easier.
Christine and Nick opened CashPak accounts at an early age. That really helped Christine out: "Now that we are in our 20's we appreciate that DCU offered this responsibility to help us establish a credit history at a young age. Because of this we have been pre-approved for auto loans at DCU. This was very helpful in car buying and negotiating a price. I made several calls to the Consumer Loan Department and they were very helpful giving me background information and pricing through CarFax for each car I was considering. They were instrumental in helping me decide which car I wanted to purchase."
Annette, Christine, and Nick C. - DCU Members
"I have referred many friends, coworkers and family members - I've been extremely satisfied with DCU services."
Ann M. - DCU Member
"We have been long-time DCU members and DCU has helped us with our financial goals throughout the years. There's a great friendly atmosphere and courteous service that is always present at the branch. Some of the products we've used are Checking, Equity LinePlus, Mortgage, Money Market and DCU's Vacation account."
Edward and Earline B. - DCU Members
"From money market, savings, checking, and certificate accounts to my mortgage and auto loans, I use DCU for all my family's financial needs. My son Jeffrey is a Barnyard Cents Member. I can't say enough about DCU. The Bill Payer Service is great, I can't remember the last time I used a stamp. I tell everyone about DCU, it's One Stop Shopping."
Wendy S.- DCU Member
Long-time member Donald Denning Jr. recommends DCU and uses DCU products and services for all his financial needs. "I like DCU so much I had all my interns become members of DCU when I ran the internship program at HP Labs Cambridge. Some of my favorite services are the reimbursement on ATM fees, early Direct Deposit and Bill Payer. Since I began using online Bill Payer two years ago, I haven't written a check."
Donald D. - DCU Member
"Setting up vendors was easy, and the online tutorials were clear. It's a good service provided through DCU that saves time, and the cost of a stamp. Great idea! Hopefully the companies I pay will get their billing online, and it'll be completely paperless."
Mark K. - DCU Member
"I love Bill Payer. My computer was down for a few weeks and I had to write checks and envelopes etc., it was horrible. It took me 40 minutes to go through all my bills when with Bill Payer it only took minutes. And it's FREE. Thank you for giving me more time to spend with my four children."
Rhonda M. - DCU Member
"We use and love Bill Payer - we travel often for 6 to 8 weeks at a time and using Bill Payer makes it so much easier to manage bills during our travels."
Susan M. - DCU Member
"Bill Payer is nicely integrated with Online Banking, so while I am looking at my balance on my checking account, I can see how much is in the Bill Payer system queue to be paid. I haven't used any other electronic bill-paying systems, but I can't really think of an easier system to use than Bill Payer."
Ken A. - DCU Member
"The speed and immediacy of the transactions are the most beneficial actions for me. It is easily understood and extremely well done from the software standpoint. It is plain and simple from an execution standpoint. Easy to use. Bill Payer has saved me time and more importantly money by increasing my float and saves me interest charges by paying off my DCU accounts the moment I execute the transaction. This free service by MY credit union DCU is a valid improvement to say the least. Consistent improvements in the way you do our business for us should be appreciated and applauded by all of us who share DCU as our financial institution. Keep 'em coming!!!!"
Eric O. - DCU Member
"I have found DCU very easy to use. I love the ease of using the Online Banking and Bill Payer. One day I gave it a try and now I wonder why it took me so long to make my life so easy. At age 66, if I can learn to use Online Banking for banking, anyone can."
Joyce A. - DCU Member
"I like the new format of the Bill Payer segment. Well done!"
Member Survey Comment
"I just used bill payer, it is terrific. You can see all pertinent data in a glance, total monthly bill cash outlay etc."
Member Survey Comment
"Just want to say, I like the changes you have made to the bill payer service. Thanks."
Member Survey Comment
"DCU makes it so easy to manage your money. With Direct Deposit, Online Banking, and Bill Payer our account practically manages itself. We have had other family members join DCU and have shown them how to automate their accounts with these services. I think it is wonderful that DCU offers services to make life easier."
Kathleen and Stephen O. - DCU Members
"My family kept telling me how great DCU is, and how the online services are completely free, so we became members. I found all the information I needed to join on the web site. The web site was very easy to navigate. I never went to a branch. I just printed an application off the web site and mailed it to DCU. It was a very simple process."
Kathy and Robert L. - DCU Members
"I enjoy the personal, friendly service that DCU provides me whether I am visiting a branch or calling the information Center. I love the online service of Online Banking. With my busy schedule it is extremely convenient because I can check my balance, pay my Visa bill, or transfer money on my lunch hour. I recently referred a coworker to DCU and was able to provide the phone number from memory."
Patty M. - DCU Member
"I work downtown in a large city and live a good distance away from a DCU branch. Fortunately, I am still able to take advantage of all DCU's products and services via the Internet, direct deposit, and the ATM network. With so many things available online (such as Bill Payer and Online Banking), my life is actually easier without worrying about getting to a branch location. Through my computer, I'm instantly connected to my Checking and Savings accounts, Auto Loan, Visa, and all of my other finances 24 hours a day, at my convenience. Having my checking account alone at DCU saves me more time and money than I could ever ask."
Krystal E. - DCU Member
"When I have a question I often email DCU. This has been a great time saver for me, the response has been great. For me it is better than picking up the phone."
Sara C. - DCU Member
"To tell you the truth, I have never actually had to step into a DCU Branch. I use deposit-taking ATMs to make all my deposits and use Online Banking for all my other transactions as well as Bill Payer. I like just being able to log on any time of day to track my accounts or to make transfers. The best part of Online Banking is that it is free. At my old bank, they charged me $4.50 a month for using a similar service. Paying my bills now is simple. It literally takes me ten minutes. I have also saved a lot of money on stamps. I really enjoy the convenience of handling my finances like this."
Roy L. - DCU Member
"In the last 10 years, I can think of no other service organization. let alone a credit union, that handles their customers the way they should. Every time I call DCU, be it for checking account review, request or acquiring loans - auto- home equity etc. I have always dealt with friendly, considerate, helpful and knowledgeable people. I love it! That is why I have kept my account at DCU for over 20 years! Oh, did I tell you that I have not stepped into a DCU branch since 1982. Not that I don't want to visit your employees, it's just that there are no DCU branches here in Pittsburgh.
You can't find a more satisfied customer, believe me. It's very hard to please me as a customer - customer satisfaction has always been my reason for doing business."
Member Survey Comment
"I have been a member at DCU since 1995 when I left home for college and needed my own bank account. For the past 8 years, I have never stepped foot in a DCU branch - nor have I needed to do so. Between the progressive web site and helpful phone staff, I'm happy to say I never go to the branch.
This summer, I bought my first home, and DCU helped me close my CD early (at the last minute!) and wired the necessary funds to the settlement company. Service is always friendly, fast, and dependable at DCU. A representative even called me to verify the fax wire request I sent was not fraudulent."
Member Survey Comment
"As the Senior Vice President of Human Resources I am always looking for the best benefits for our employees. Workscape is one of DCU's Sponsor Companies and offers DCU membership as a company benefit. Workscape provides a full range of outsourced human resource benefits and workforce management solutions to business. Our choice of DCU for our own employees is a great endorsement. We like the level of free services DCU provides as well as the consumer education. DCU is customer driven, personalized, and has an impeccable level of service."
Ed Hurley-Wales, Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Jo Ann Woodyard, Senior Human Resource Business Partner, Workscape - DCU Member
"Tower Hill Botanic Garden joined DCU as a sponsoring organization. Worcester County Horticultural Society is a non-profit horticultural and educational institution whose mission is advancing the science and encouraging and improving the practice of horticulture. The Society manages Tower Hill Botanic Garden located in Boylston, Massachusetts. Tower Hill offers 132 acres of distinctive gardens, meadows, and woodland trails with a spectacular seasonal display of more than 130,000 flowering spring bulbs."
John Trexler, Executive Director, Tower Hill Botanic Garden - DCU Member & Sponsor Organization
"One of the things that I like about DCU is their pro-active service. Recently I had to call a member service rep about a deposit. We ended up having a conversation about my savings accounts. She informed me on how I could be earning more money. I ended up creating a Money Market Account and renewing a Certificate of Deposit. With two weddings coming up in the next 5 weeks that was great! I even made an appointment for a financial advisor to call me. It's great to be earning more money with just a phone call. It's all about how DCU cares for its' members."
A. E. - DCU Member
"I'd like to take this opportunity to express my great satisfaction with DCU. I've been a member for almost 6 years. And DCU has trusted me in so many ways. It approved my auto loan 5 years ago when other institutions denied me. Because of that I now have my mortgage at DCU with a great low rate. DCU really takes care of its' members."
Member Survey Comment
"I am very pleased with the service I receive at DCU. I may live out of state, but the service is like having you in my neighborhood. Thank you all very much."
Member Survey Comment
"Unlike a traditional bank, DCU gives me the feeling that my financial well-being is the number one goal. I find the member communications extremely valuable, and I feel fortunate to be able to be a DCU member."
Member Survey Comment
"I love DCU and very pleased with your services and staff. I love the online bill paying. I even moved my uncle's accounts to DCU just for this service."
Member Survey Comment
"I like the ATM refunds and am also impressed by the knowledgeable representatives and various programs offered by DCU. I've referred my friends and family members to DCU due to its excellent services."
Member Survey Comment
"The only problem I have with DCU is there is no branch in my state that I can physically go to. Although I have never had a problem reaching anyone from DCU on the phone. Thank you for your excellent service and quality in customer service."
Member Survey Comment
"I have been a member of DCU for a number of years. My entire family has membership and my father was a charter member. We have been incredibly happy doing our banking with DCU and will probably never leave. The service is excellent and the product offerings are perfect for our needs. It feels like we are banking with family - you take such good care of us. Thanks for all of your work!"
Member Survey Comment
"I am not the "usual" DCU member as I live on an isolated ranch in west Texas and have not had computer access until recently. I use the automated teller and personal customer service at the DCU 800 number, also mail deposit and direct deposit. As an unusual member with unusual needs I rate DCU's service as excellent.
I have lived all over the country in the 15 years I have been a member, and I usually prefer DCU to any local financial institution."
Member Survey Comment
"Recently we bought a car using the DCU StreetWise Consumer Education Program. It saved us money, time, and aggravation.
We were hesitant to search for a new vehicle, as we knew this meant the inevitable trips to the car dealerships. But we needed one. Our three-year-old vehicle was already falling apart. I was determined that this would be the last time we put money into repairing a car we were still making payments on. Yet I felt severely ill equipped to deal with the dealerships. I even thought about bringing relatives with us to help facilitate a fair deal. I had always found we paid at least 15% more than the sticker price, for the car of our choice, by the time the papers were drawn up.
That's when I started paying attention to your web site. I figured that anything that had the word Wise in it wouldn't hurt me to take the time to read. I am PROUD to say that after reading the StreetWise articles on auto buying I felt ready to play with the pro's. I took the StreetWise advice and used the internet to pick a solid choice of makes and models based on value. That gave us a chance to see what a fair price looked like. This was a big change. We used to go to dealerships and pick out a car based on color and neat buttons.
Then the real fun began, and I do mean fun. We entered the dealership casually, making it clear that we were "just thinking" about a new car. I then applied a lot of the StreetWise tips that I had learned. I was amazed that the dealer really did say all the things I had been warned about. It felt like I was cheating on a test. I had a response for every question the dealer asked. Plus some questions of my own that I don't think the salesman was expecting from a quiet housewife like myself.
By the time we had gotten to the negotiating table, I felt we had the upper hand. I smile even now when I think about the shocked look on the salesman's face when I told him what was acceptable. The words "Your killing me!" came out of his mouth several times. But StreetWise had warned us that this would happen. We had to go through one salesman, two supervisors, and a manager. It all paid off. We had the car with a $4,000 discount from the sticker price. We had come this far with this group of people, what's one more try at lowering the price.
In the end we paid a third of the sticker price of the car. We paid less that the list price of a strip down model, according to our internet sources. Yet we drove away with a fully loaded automatic with plenty of extra features. It was a proud day for us. We received a price that was fair for both us and what I think was ok for the dealer.
StreetWise helped give me the strength to find joy in car shopping. Plus I didn't have to think twice about where to go for a competitive auto loan rate to match the great price on my new car. DCU's staff was friendly, responsive and went the extra mile to set up our loan. StreetWise with all it's information and money saving tips is one of the many ways DCU protects and serves my family's money. Thank you."
Meredith C. - DCU Member
"Using a link from DCU's StreetWise site, I joined Carfax and checked the Vehicle Identification Number of about 50 cars that had potential. Carfax helped me eliminate all but 5 of them for various reasons, such as faulty title, accidents, rentals, or tax registrations or such. I looked up the NADA retail value of each car, using another link from DCU. Not only did I get a newer used car for the same amount as my old car, I managed to lower my payments $100. I still have the same amount of months left on my loan as the car demolished in the accident. StreetWise took the stress out of replacing a car, it was enough just to deal with the stress of having an accident. I really appreciate DCU!"
Gary M. - DCU Member
"I was happy at my bank until I learned that DCU offered many additional benefits that my bank did not. I recently attended DCU's StreetWise Auto Buying Seminar. The seminar was very helpful and affected my car buying decisions. It is because of these benefits and the excellent customer service that I plan to move many family members' accounts to DCU as well."
Ray P. - DCU Member
"We love the convenience, quick lines at the branch and friendly service we receive at DCU. Both children are Barnyard Cents members. We like that our children are learning about banking and saving at a young age. DCU is kid friendly. We like being members and being a part of something."
Dave and Christy A. - DCU Members
Barbara and her family satisfy all their financial needs through DCU's products and services including direct deposit, checking and savings accounts, Visa, mortgage, car loan, camper and snowmobile loans. "My two children Kevin and Sean are both Barnyard Cents Members and have money market accounts at DCU. They are in their early stages of achieving financial well-being. I love Online Banking and using it to balance my checkbook. Everything is easy to do and everyone at DCU is helpful."
Barbara M. - DCU Members