DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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ICU Day recognizes the achievements and history of credit unions.
First, we’d like to thank you for being a DCU member. The past 18 months have been tough on everyone, and we appreciate your continued trust. As always, we’re committed to helping our members achieve financial wellness.
We do this not only through the products and services we offer, but also through the tools and resources that we make available to our members.
A free service by phone or online to provide members with confidential, no-cost financial counseling and education services.
EverFi Program
Interactive learning modules on planning, saving, and borrowing to help you build your financial strength and acumen.
It’s always a good time to save for the future.
Our Primary Savings account is designed to encourage and promote saving
There’s no catch, no monthly fee, and nothing else to open. Just deposit and earn.
For the 2020-2021 school year, there were 40 active schools and 3,142 students enrolled in the program – completing 14,733 modules.
The DCU/EVERFI Money Matters Program continues to make a difference for students as demonstrated by the following after-program completion: Assessment scores increased by 35%, 20% of students have opened or plan to open at least one new account, and 68% of students are now confident they can set up and follow a budget – an increase from 45% before the course.
What is a Credit Union?
Credit unions are not-for-profit cooperatives, owned and operated by members like you. That’s why joining a Credit Union means you’re not just a customer – you’re a member.
Who is DCU?
Digital Federal Credit Union, better known as DCU, was chartered in October of 1979 as the financial services provider of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). Since then, DCU has been chosen as the credit union for more than 700 companies and organizations. DCU serves more than 900,000 members and their families in all 50 states.
With headquarters in Marlborough, Massachusetts, DCU is the largest credit union headquartered in New England as measured by assets and is among the top 20 nationwide.
A Brief History of ICU Day:
The Credit Union League of Massachusetts celebrated the first official holiday for credit union members and works – choosing January 17 because it was the birthday of America’s “Apostle of Thrift.”
The U.S. Credit Union National Association (CUNA) decided to initiate a new national Credit Union Day celebration.
CUNA formally expanded its mission and launched CUNA International.
The World Council of Credit Unions is formed to assist others in establishing and maintaining viable credit union movements in countries across the globe.
Today, there are more than 274 million members in 118 countries who recognize and celebrate the credit union difference.
Source: https://www.woccu.org/education_and_networking/icuday/icuday_history