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As a credit union driven on innovation, DCU is a champion for using technology to enhance the lives of people of all abilities.
DCU has joined with Mobius Mobility to offer financing options to those qualified members who are eligible for the iBOT® Personal Mobility Device (iBOT® PMD), a custom-fit wheelchair with functionality that can be adjusted to meet specific needs and abilities.
The iBOT® PMD utilizes advanced electronics, sensors, battery technology, and software so you can go where you want to go. Barriers to accessibility are too common out in the world. Overcome them with an iBOT® PMD.
This incredible wheelchair features:
With DCU’s access loan, we aim to make this incredible wheelchair, and any other device, product, or building modification designed to assist someone with a disability more accessible through financing options.
First, Connect with Mobius to discuss your eligibility and affordability.
Then Apply Here through DCU. Please select an Access Equipment loan and a member of our Consumer Lending team will reach out to you to start the process.
Please note that membership is required to accept a DCU loan. Visit our membership eligibility page for more information.
iBOT is a registered trademark of Mobius Mobility.
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