DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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Convenient options for paying federal business taxes.
EFTPS stands for Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, it is the easiest way to pay all your Federal Taxes. When you enroll in EFTPS Direct you can use EFTPS Online to make a payment, cancel a payment, review your payment history, change bank account information...and more! It's easy to navigate, and secure with both a PIN and Internet Password combination.
EFTPS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to pay all your Federal business taxes.
Read below for more information on EFTPS and when you're ready to enroll just visit their web site at www.eftps.gov.
EFTPS is a tax payment system offered free from the U.S. Department of the Treasury, designed with busy business taxpayers in mind. Using the Internet, Personal Computer (PC software) or a phone, you input your tax payment information and send it. That's all! If you prefer to use your PC, you can receive free EFTPS Windows® - based software that's easy to install and use.
When you enroll in EFTPS, you can select how you want to make your payments. There are two primary payment methods with EFTPS. You can select one or both methods:
Before you enroll in EFTPS, you'll need to have some information ready:
You input and verify all of the information. After all your information is validated, you will be presented with an Enrollment Confirmation page that includes an Enrollment Trace Number. You will be requested to print this page for your records.
After you complete your online Enrollment Form, Confirmation materials will be created and mailed within 15 business days to the primary contact name and the address you indicated. Your Personal Identification Number (PIN) and instructions on how to obtain your Internet Password will be mailed to your official IRS address of record (this is the address that appears on your tax return or IRS documents.)
EFTPS – Direct is an electronic payment method that allows you to access EFTPS directly to report your tax information. You will instruct EFTPS to move the funds from your account to the Treasury's account on the date you indicate. Funds will not move from your account until the date you indicate, (no government agency has access to your account), and your tax records will be updated with the IRS. You can initiate your payment directly to EFTPS using the Internet, PC, or your phone.
With EFTPS – Direct all 3 methods are interchangeable. Use the Internet at the office, the PC at home, or the phone if you're on vacation. All EFTPS input methods are interchangeable and can be used as back up.
EFTPS can be used by business taxpayers with certain financial institution accounts. Not all financial institutions offer this service. DCU does not offer EFTPS through (ACH Credit) at this time.
For you to use EFTPS – Direct, you will receive a Personal Identification Number (PIN). Your PIN must be used in combination with your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) to gain access to EFTPS by Internet, PC software, or phone. You have complete and exclusive control over your PIN. The government does not have access to your PIN.
If you use EFTPS Online, you will also be issued a password that together with your PIN and TIN gives you maximum security online.
The EFTPS site provides online help, customer support and online FAQ sections.